Social and Spiritual Development of Mankind - The Way to Freedom

Peter Kohut


The wheel of history cannot be stopped. The road to higher human freedom is a manifestation of divine dialectics. It is perfectly natural that our spirits want to win and triumph. Free will is a divine gift that enables us to walk by many roads. We can go by the road of truth, love, justice as well as evil, lie, hate and injustice. Higher spiritual power, freedom and knowledge result from evolution of dialectic relations: freedom-necessity, consciousness-unconsciousness, spirit-matter, subject-object, truth-lie, love-hate, freedom-enslavement and justice-injustice. The power of knowledge is a true source of higher level of freedom. Total spiritual freedom and power of God at His apex are accompanied by creative process at lower levels of His creation with perpetual overcoming the limits of powerlessness at given stages of evolution. Freedom is not an empty notion but a real goal of divine creative evolution in Nature and society. The increase of social freedom is manifested by enlarging human abilities in a process of cognition and creativity.

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ISSN: 2153-831X